The End

Posted by Alex | | Posted On Saturday, 4 June 2011 at 19:04

The time has finally come, the long run has reached the final furlong. Ten months of living in foreign climes is slowly winding down, accompanied, in my case, by the sounds of Jakwob and Death Cab for Cutie (for there is no better way to pass one's time).

My classes are all wrapped up, and, aside from a minor error with my subtitling assignment which needs to be sorted out soon-ish, I am free of the shackles of University life until September. While I'm not exactly the hombre who likes to catch the rays out on the balcony, it does give me a lot of free time for doing such things, should I wish. Instead, I have invested in a trip to Pavia, again, to see those people who never fail to make me happy. Oh, and of course, for some Aperol, as I miss the hell out of that drink. I'm also looking into going elsewhere on my travels, but, with only really two free weeks I'm limited on cheap flights and such -- we'll see, however.

More things to update you on? I'm sure I can find something:

1. I'm pretty much sure this will be my last blog on blogger. I know I said I wanted it to go out with a bang, but, right now I feel its best to let the poor thing die with a fizzle, like the damp squib that it is. For those eager to still keep an eye on me, you may update your bookmarks and such to point to Hermetic Aesthetic. I've said it before, but I aim to actually cover more ground in the new blog -- all my old blogs and tumblrs have been rather poorly shared and thinly spread, while one, consolidated blog might just be the thing I need.

2. If you clicked the above link, you'll see the section marked Vlogs. I know, I know, I say I'll do this every year. However, I guess I now have no excuses. My camera runs up to 1280p HD video, as does my phone. There's no reason, aside from my own dislike hearing my voice being played back to me (which may hinder the editting process) for me to not post regular vlogs. What's more, with a family trip to Disney World planned for the end of August, I'll need to get the practice in to join hundreds of other fools talking to cameras when they should be enjoying themselves. If you're interested, you can head to my channel and subscribe in anticipation of the half-baked things to come.

As far as the rest of my life goes: my summer is, beyond those two weeks in Florida, totally unplanned. I head back to the UK July 6th, and from then on, whatever I do pretty much falls down to whether I get a job (thus having little time for anything else), whether other people invite me to do things, and how I plan on filling the time when there's nothing else going on. So, with that, I guess it's time to close the doors on this old Erasmus blog, and leave it to cover itself up with internet dust.

I shall see you all on the other side...meaning on the new July.


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